Peach Tea

As a kid, I was never really into drinking sodas or very sugary drinks. I was that strange little kid that preferred juice or water over soda and would choose a Snapple peach tea any day over a coke or sprite. I used to love Snapple peach tea as a kid and even into my early adulthood and the only thing that made me ease up on it was learning about how much extra sugar was in it. Recently with the weather being so hot, I decided I would try to recreate that much loved Snapple peach tea on my own while also taking advantage of the fresh peaches in season. After several attempts, I finally landed on this one which I can happily say is just as delicious if not better than the Snapple version. Although I did utilize sugar in this recipe, most of it comes from the peaches themselves. By blending the peaches and keeping the skin on, I was able to preserve some of the fiber as well. This recipe is entirely customizable and you can add as much or as little of the peach simple syrup as you like. Although, I would highly recommend you serve it as I have outlined because I know for a fact that as is it is a winner. Over the last few days I have made this 3 or 4 times because we have been going through it that fast. Whether you’re tired of just drinking water or looking for ways to utilize those delicious summer recipes, I think you will find that this recipe will exceed your expectations. Feel free to scroll to the bottom of the page for the nutrition breakdown.


Watermelon & Lime Water

watermelon & lime water

A few weeks ago when I was doing my grocery shopping, I came across a product in the juice section that caught my attention. The product is called Watermelon Wtr and it is a cold-pressed of watermelon juice that contains the natural electrolyte potassium which plays an important role in fluid balance.  I was intrigued to buy it but then I looked at the price and quickly walked away. At my local Ralph’s a 12 oz bottle cost about $3.50 which is pretty steep for such a small amount. After scanning the nutrition label and researching the product, I realized that with a few tools some watermelon, and some extra flavors you could essentially get the same product at home for a MUCH more affordable price. Ever since I first started playing around this recipe, I have been obsessed with it and have made it almost every single week. It is so refreshing and the perfect alternative to store-bought juices and sodas as it completely free of added sugar. The key to this drink coming out so delicious is all about choosing your watermelon.  I found a great article to help you pick the sweetest watermelon which will be linked here. The riper your watermelon is, the better your watermelon water will taste so be sure to take your time choosing the perfect watermelon.  Before I get into the few ingredients you will need, let’s first talk about what makes watermelon such an awesome fruit!
